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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robbery and a Few Tips for the Aftermath

I've spent the last few hours photographing and recording the serial numbers of all my electronics. This is out of fear, basically. My sister's house was robbed this weekend. The thief stole over $5,000 worth of electronics!

I was there with them when the police came and started the investigation. The first thing they asked for was a list of serial numbers. I've since learned, this is the key to filing a home owner's insurance claim and to identifying your items if the end up at a pawn shop or on craig's list.

I know items can be replaced but the worst part is ALL of the videos of my nephew since his birth were on the video camera that was stolen. The police have informed us that it may take up to five days to get a detective assigned to the case. arrgghh, this is frustrating. Especially, since we think we know who did it! Tip: if you are trying to hire a contractor to remodel your home, you may want to check their criminal background on the county website. Last weekend they had a contractor there who was "taking videos" and looking all through the house. He even asked about the inactive alarm system! We looked the contractor up and he has numerous grand larceny felonies on his record!

Anyway, I felt like venting and passing along the helpful tip of recording your serial numbers and taking pictures of your items.

(picture above: Thief of Hearts by PaperMichelle)

1 comment:

  1. What an ordeal! I hope all that is important is recovered soon.
    Also, thanks for following me! *^_^* I'll get back to you as soon as I decide.


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