Hypnosis Cd's and Mp3's To Transform Your Life....

...my life as a therapist and the things that keep
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kill the moles! No way. How about a container garden?

I absolutely love to make vegetable gardens. In fact, it's probably the reason I love spring so much. I have lived in my house for four years and I've attempted a garden every year. Attempted is the key word..... because I have moles in my yard!!!

Of course, I refuse to poison them as most people suggest. Instead I naively plant my garden and hope they won't ruin it. This never works. I have tried the traditional home remedies, Cayenne pepper mixed with vinegar with a touch of pepper. lol. My boyfriend thought that one was hilarious. Another option is always to flood the mole holes. I tried that once but I was worried I would drown the moles. Another option is a makeshift trap from a coffee can. This isn't an option because there is no way I'm going to carry a mole in a trap in my car to release it somewhere. (what if it got out in my car?)

This year I have decided I'm going to have a garden that produces vegetables! I refuse to buy veggies when I can grow them at home. My solution is to make a container garden. I bought some seeds from an ETSY seller tHeEndpeace. I chose a tomato seed called Black Krim
Don't those look yummy? She is an awesome seller, she took time to tell me all about this type of tomato. She also sent two other seeds types for free! Cinnamon Basil and Dill. I've started the seeds in damp paper towels wrapped in tin foil. They are starting nicely.

Next, I went to a local nursery and picked up the rest of my garden. I will have strawberries, hot peppers, green peppers, peas, rosemary, chives, tomatoes and whatever else I decide to add to the garden. For some reason I bought three different types of strawberries. I didn't even realize this until I got home.

I got coffee grounds for free from Starbucks! I mixed them in with my potting soil before I planted the veggies. I've always heard this helps plants grow faster and it' has seemed to work with my house plants. My sister says it's just because I have a green thumb.

I'm already thinking the pots I bought are too small. I actually went to the library and checked out some books on container gardening but of course didn't look at them, lol. I'm planning to keep them all inside for a while until it gets warmer.

Here's the start of my garden, we'll see how it goes. Any container gardening faux pas would be appreciated.


  1. i am not into gardening yet, the thought of bugs creeps me out. maybe when i have my own home...or soon when my dad teaches me.

  2. Last year, I bit the bullet and made two raised beds for my veggies. I used the LASAGNA method (http://www.motherearthnews.com/Organic-Gardening/1999-04-01/Lasagna-Gardening.aspx) but got the soil all wrong in one bed. I get very frustrated with gardening but every year I say 'no way, i'm not doing it' and then give in and give it another go. I was excited this year to see rich soil in my beds (after an entire winter of active composting) and huge meaty worms. But then I saw 'the enemy'...I believe Peter Cottontail has taken up residence under my shed. THAT'S going to be a problem. I guess this year we put up a fence?
    Anyway, Good Luck with your containers. OH, and you can also do the lasagna gardening in containers. And, don't forget, just about ANYTHING makes a funky container for plants!

  3. Yay for gardeners! I also planted a lovely little vegetable this spring, full of tomatoes, peas, peppers, squash, strawberries, basil, etcetc. Luckily, I don't have mole problems out here. When I was younger and lived in the country, the trick to solving a mole problem is to plant marigolds all around your garden, like a little fence. Marigolds give off an unpleasant odor to moles, and they won't go near them. Have slugs? Leave out a bowl of beer. Won't kill them, just get them drunk. Honestly.

  4. Wow Great suggestions everyone. I love the Marigold idea. I've never heard that before. Thanks Ashley.

  5. Great ideas! We always have a huge veggie garden and this year we are expanding it to have less lawn to take care of. Good luck and enjoy it!

  6. Fab news re veggie garden...we really all need to be getting stuck into a project like this...and it's so exciting now being able to get seeds for the rarer ones...and even if you start small you'll be learning all the time, getting ideas for 'next time'!

  7. I am gardening this year. We are moving the kids' swingset and I've committed to making a garden grow! My husband is on board and will dig down into our clay and make a hole and then fill it with good growing soil! I"m very excited!

    Thank you for your comment on my www.weighlessandweightless.blogspot.com

    I've been looking for hypnosis mP3's and you just appeared so I ordered the weightloss one. My iPod is my best friend and the books I'm taking my methods from recommend hypnosis and/or eft as ways to best change the programming in your mind.

    I can't wait for my download to come. I'd like to add your Etsy shop as a link on my blog if you don't mind. I used hypnobirthing and it was fantastic! I'm a huge advocate of hypnosis!



  8. Good luck with your garden! I have gophers and moles also and will try again this year to plant in pots and raised beds with mesh under the veggies. I also found these natural solutions on the internet:http://www.pestinformation.com/gophers-moles.htm
    your plants are off to a great beginning!

  9. The best success I have had with getting rid of moles is using the bait and applicator from http://www.mole-be-gone.com.

    Hope this helps!


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